Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Deadly Syndrome, SIDS on Baby

A Deadly Syndrome, SIDS on Baby

If your baby is clammy when sleep especially in the feet and hands, beware of the occurrence of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrom). SIDS in the Indonesian Language is sudden death syndrome in infants that can not be explained the cause with certainty.
The following will be discussed regarding SIDS and their process of occurrence of cold sweat. Some of those factors lead to the occurrence of SIDS, both physical factors, environmental factors and factor that into the risk of occurrence of cold sweat on the baby.
Always check and Investigate When there is a sign of cold sweat in infants
SIDS or sudden death syndrome up until now still a mystery as to the exact cause. The most visible symptom of a sign is the occurrence of cold sweat when the baby sleeps.
Normally, the perspiration appears when there is an increase in temperature in the body. Berdilatasi or blood vessels widen so that the heat in the body will be released through the pores of the skin and sweat glands will stimulate and producing perspiration that will evaporate and release body heat. Understand and identify the parts of the skin and its functions for understanding more about the process of sweating by the skin.
Unlike the production of sweat on normally. Cold sweat appeared due to the sweat glands stimulate not by heat in the body. But stimulus through the nerves sympathetic dystrophy in the body. Pain, stress, anxiety, and fear can stimulate nerves sympathetic dystrophy. In addition, problems in the vital organs in the body of the baby, such as production.
Infants who experience the condition of disorders of the heart, lung or brain can experience cold sweat and is one of the signs of sudden death syndrome symptoms and very you should beware. Here are some of the causes of SIDS are important for you to know:
1. Physical Factors as the cause of SIDS
There are several physical factors being the cause of SIDS is characterized by cold sweat on the baby's hands and feet especially when the baby is sleeping. Following Description:
• Brain Defects
Disability on the brain that happens when a baby is born can be a cause of SIDS and the occurrence of cold sweat on the baby. The brain is the nerve center and the regularity of the function of internal organs is determined by the human brain. When the failure occurred, then the brain function of the heart and lung function else will usually receive the effects.
Result in nerve function stimulate sympathetic dystrophy and cold sweat on the baby.
• Low Birth Weight Infants
Babies born with low weight often result in vital organs, especially lung maturity decline. So that babies born with low weight very risky against the occurrence of SIDS or sudden death syndrome characterized by frequent occurrence of cold sweat on the baby.
• Respiratory infections
Respiratory infections being the cause of the occurrence of the tasering syndrome of sudden death in infants. The baby's lung was still very vulnerable when he was born up to 1 year of age. Infections that occur at this age will greatly affect his health up to adult babies.
2. Environmental factors as causes of SIDS
In addition to physical factors, environmental factors greatly affect the health of the baby. Here are some of the causes of SIDS is caused by environmental factors:
• Sleeping baby with Tengkurap
Tengkurap baby sleep position is indeed sometimes is a comfortable position when the baby is sleeping. However, the position of the tengkurap will be more at risk to the process of breathing in infants. Lung who are depressed do not inflate with free oxygen in the lung will not be carried out with optimal other areas on the body of the baby. SIDS is very easy going on in this State.
• the surface Uneven Cots
The surface of the COTS uneven causing infant hard gets a comfortable position when sleeping. Uneven mattress, even often cause the body or neck are bent, without parents aware of breathing will be hampered and SIDS is more common in infants who are placed on a mattress with uneven surfaces.
• Environmental Temperature too hot
The temperature of the environment is too hot it will stimulate sweat glands to produce excessively. This condition will certainly affect health and circulation in the body of the baby. Heart, Lung – pulmonary and kidney is more work harder when the environmental temperature is too hot.
3. Other Risk Factors
There are a number of other risk factors that may cause SIDS that are marked with a specific symptom of cold sweat on the baby. Here are a few other risk factors that can trigger the onset of sudden death syndrome in infants:

• Age
Ages newborn to 1 year proven higher risk against the occurrence of sudden death syndrome. Parents are obliged to always be aware of and carefully monitor the condition of the baby at this age. Especially when it is cold sweat occurred in infants, immediately consult a Pediatrician for treatment and examination.
• Genetically
The problem is a genetic risk factor for the occurrence of became sudden death syndrome in infants. A baby that her brother never experienced a SIDS, then it will have almost the same risk factors. Be alert for any signs of symptoms like shortness of breath, cold sweat, and skin of the babies tend to be blue or grey – grey as a sign of decline in oxygen levels in the body.
• Passive smokers
The baby's lung is very sensitive and prone to various pollutants to avoid cigarette smoke. Because there is little exposed to cigarette smoke, the baby may experience lung infection. As explained earlier, that the occurrence of infection in the lung is the cause of tersering of the occurrence of SIDS or sudden death in infants characterized by cold sweat upon sleep. Keep the cigarette smoke and the various environmental pollutants during the nurturing the baby.
• Premature Birth
Just as a baby is born with low weight. Babies born prematurely are particularly prone to SIDS occurrence, due to various organs vitally immature and not ready to start life outside the womb of mother nature. Babies born prematurely are to be treated in an incubator baby, get the temperatures and intensive care by health workers at the hospital.
• Maternal health During Pregnancy
Maternal health during pregnancy is also very influential towards the health of the baby. Infection occurs during pregnancy can cause a lot of influence on the growth of the baby's organs. Disability is one of the brains due to infection, exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke and alcohol during pregnancy.
Is There Anyway To Prevent Babies Experiencing SIDS?
SIDS can be prevented by avoiding the various physical factors, environmental risk factors as well as the occurrence of SIDS in infants. The examination has been carried out ever will assist the Pediatrician to determine the best handlers and found the main cause of the onset of sweating to cool. Here are a few things that can prevent the occurrence of SIDS:

1. sleep Terlentang
Position the baby to always sleep with the position on your back. Avoid positioning tengkurap before reaching the age of 4 months. Know the age of a baby that's right for tengkurap development and explore the true rules how information when positioning the baby.
2. Fill the needs of the ASI
BREAST MILK is the best food for babies. When sick, the mother must remain newborn support by giving the intake of BREASTMILK in accordance with the needs of the baby. Note also the nursing position correctly. The case of SIDS also often occurs when the mother is wrong or less precise in positioning the baby in the sling when breastfeeding.
3. Complete the Imunisasinya
Immunization is an effective way to prevent babies from various infectious diseases that can attack the immune mungilnya. Complete immunization in accordance with the stages of age for baby's health, prevent the occurrence of infections that can result in SIDS with the early symptoms of cold sweat on the baby.

So at a glance information about the occurrence of SIDS, which is characterized by cold sweat on the baby. Always alert will sign and ask the Pediatrician to get proper handling over the issue. Greetings!


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