Saturday, September 8, 2018

Cinnamon Honey Weight Loss For Health Body

Cinnamon honey weight loss for health body Cinnamon honey weight loss for health body

Cinnamon honey weight loss  -  Has a body that is slim and ideal weight certainly became the dream of every person. With a slim body and ideal weight, at least this will make someone the more confident. It will also be easier to conduct all activities. His appearance will be getting better and the maximum.

But alas, because eating patterns or patterns of life, more people are finally experiencing overweight to obese. And even though it has conducted various diet, he still has a fat body with excess body weight. In fact, as long as we want to implement the healthy living patterns, have enough rest, have enough sports and consumption of herbal ingredients to lose weight, it is certain we will get an ideal weight again.

Ngomongin matter of food or drink that could lose weight, quoted from the page, there is a drink or herb that can be used to lose weight. This herb is very tasty, has a very good nutritional health and create very easily in it. This herb is a concoction of cinnamon and honey.

To make this concoction alone is very easy. We just need to prepare 2 spoons honey and 10 cm cinnamon and half a glass of water. Boil the water to the boil and then stir in cinnamon to it. Lift and put in serving glasses and add honey. Stir-mix well and drink it while it is still hot or warm.

Cinnamon honey weight loss

Drink this concoction regularly every morning to get maximum results. In addition to losing weight, drinking a concoction of cinnamon and honey will also help you avoid the risk of heart disease, diabetes, the body you become more warm, feeling more comfortable and calm, health heart awake and digestive system always healthy.

Honey and cinnamon are two natural substances that have been known to have many benefits for health. But what if both of them merged? Of course, the combination of honey and cinnamon can be one of the most formidable combinations to address a variety of health problems.
One of the great benefits that are owned by the honey and cinnamon is to lower cholesterol. A mixture of honey and cinnamon is known to be able to help lower the cholesterol in the body to more than 20 percent. The way to use it is to mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder on the tea. Then you just need to consume it twice a day to lower the level of bad cholesterol.

Not only can lower cholesterol, a mixture of honey and cinnamon can also provide other health benefits as follows:

Increase energy
Honey contains energy so if consumed on a regular basis can increase energy. Mix one teaspoon of honey with a glass of warm water and a pinch of cinnamon. So it's like getting fresh juice add lemon juice which contains vitamin C.

Cinnamon honey weight loss 

Normalize cholesterol levels
Consuming foods high in fat can cause cholesterol to become high. To avoid this, combine 2 tablespoons honey and 3 TSP cinnamon powder mixed with water the tea to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Reduce stomach acid
Sprinkle ground cinnamon 2 spoon honey before eating. This can help to reduce the acidity of the stomach. Besides being good for the stomach, eating food is before eating can also control food intake.

Eliminate fat
Honey and cinnamon good for weight loss. Especially if consumed when the stomach is still empty in the mornings and the evenings before bed. This is to avoid the fat that accumulates in the body.

Reduce excessive snacking
Honey and cinnamon can help fast weight loss and prevent excessive snacking desire. Cinnamon and honey can eliminate Parasitic fungi and bacteria in the digestive tract. Besides honey can also stabilize blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon honey weight loss 

A mixture of honey and cinnamon is believed to be able to treat a variety of diseases. Honey is indeed generated by almost all countries in the world. Ayurvedic or healers with Ayurvedic methods and treatment of Greece have been using honey as a remedy for centuries. Scientists now acknowledge the honey as an extremely effective remedy for all forms of the disease although they still keep the question mark about what truly became the main strength of honey.

Clear, honey can be used as a drug without causing side effects. According to modern scholars, although the taste is sweet, honey is safe for diabetics when given in the right doses. The following lists a number of diseases that can be overcome with the honey and cinnamon:

Prevent Aging

Tea blended honey and cinnamon powder and drink it every day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and then boiled as a tea. Drink as much as 1 Cup 3 to 4 times a day. This herb makes a fresh and smooth skin as well as prevent aging. Life expectancy has also increased.

We recommend that you consume this drink every day. When creating, you can raise in great numbers. Then put in the fridge. So you get to consume it every day in the cold.

Cinnamon honey weight loss

Heart disease

Apply the honey and cinnamon powder in bread at breakfast time per day. Honey and cinnamon reduces cholesterol in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks. People who have already had a heart attack when eating honey and cinnamon per day can be spared from a second heart attack.

The consumption of honey and cinnamon are literatus can smoothen breathing and strengthens the heartbeat. Nursing homes in America and Canada successfully treating its occupants who have disorders of the blood vessels due to congestion and reduced flexibility due to age with the herb.

The Immune System

Daily consumption of honey and cinnamon powder can strengthen the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey contains various vitamins and iron in large amounts. The use of honey regularly strengthening white blood cells to fight bacteria and viruses.

Cinnamon honey weight loss 

The easiest way if the reduced immune is exposed to the cold. Light and heavy colds can be healed with 1 tablespoon lukewarm honey and teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This herb can cure almost all chronic coughs and colds as well as by clearing the sinuses. A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains natural deposits of influenza kill germs and heals the patient from flu. Then drink the honey when will flu.

Excess Weight

Drinking a glass of water that is boiled together with honey and cinnamon powder in the morning half an hour before breakfast or when the stomach is still empty. When done regularly can reduce weight even for people who are very obese. Drink this concoction regularly will prevent fat accumulating in the body even though it remains a high-calorie meal.

See, which is beneficial for someone with excess weight properly it is hunted. But it seems many are not interested in this mixture. When consuming diligently and regularly, the body's metabolism to be smooth so that digestive better. So the fat will shrink and the weight of your body will be proportional.


Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered with the 2 tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water. That Herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood to 10 percent within two hours. Pure honey took everyday ease disruption of cholesterol.

Cinnamon honey weight loss for health body

When you look at cholesterol early there would be better for the body. Your life will be better when cholesterol is maintained properly. Isn't it when your cholesterol good then eat whatever you don't be afraid?


Greece treatment and Ayurveda have used honey for years to strengthen cement the men. Two tablespoons of honey taken regularly before bed will effect conferring fertilize. Women Japan, China, and East Asia that are difficult to get pregnant and would like to strengthen the uterus, commonly consume ground cinnamon since centuries ago. Women who are pregnant should hard as often as possible applying honey and teaspoonful of cinnamon powder on the gums.

Cinnamon will mix with saliva and enters the body. There are spouses of Maryland don't have a lineage for 14 years and almost desperate. When knowing the benefits of cinnamon and honey, they started taking the herb. His wife conceives and gives birth to twins.


The last study showed that the content of sugar in honey is more helpful than detrimental to the body. The elderly citizenry consumes honey and cinnamon powder with the same size proved to be more alert and flexible. The research of Dr. Milton proves, 1 tablespoon honey taken along with a glass of water and sprinkled ground cinnamon can improve the vitality of the body within a week. The herb is taken daily after brushing my teeth and 3 hours in the afternoon at a time when the vitality of the body decreases.

Cinnamon honey weight loss 

We recommend you bring a lunchbox this drink to your Office or another activity. Because of the powerful make, you become more excited about a live activity. You can also enjoy it while it's cold. So when in Office, you can put it in the refrigerator.

Do not underestimate a mixture of cinnamon and honey. Maybe you feel strange initially but eventually, you will get used. In order to feel dominant, you can add honey to suit your needs. But avoid the use of honey that is not pure

But remember, in addition to drinking this concoction every morning in order to weight down the body and health of awake, make sure that you also have a pattern of life that is healthy, have enough sports, have enough rest and be sure to always avoid any form of stress or depression. Hopefully, this information is useful


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