Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Final Weigh-In Tonight

It is already here! The selesai weigh-in for the 2018 Way to a Better Life Contest. 

The selesai weigh-in will be held at the Gene Fullmer Recreation Center (8015 S. 2200 W.) from 5:30pm-7:30pm. You can come by anytime during the selesai weigh-in to complete your post-assessment testing and record your selesai weight and points for the contest.

What to expect: 
*Anticipate the post-assessments to take about 30-45 min. to complete.
When you arrive at Gene Fullmer you will go through six stations:
1- Check-in - Pick up your assessment form
2- Weight - Weigh-In for the your official selesai weight
3- Body Composition - Body Fat percentage measured
4- Waist Circumference Measurement
5- After Photo
6- Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Testing - *This station will most likely take the longest so please be patient. 


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