Friday, September 7, 2018

Best Milk Alternative For Toddlers | Growth And Development

This duduk kasus is further complicated by growing number of infant formula that is circulatin Best milk alternative for toddlers | growth and development

Best milk alternative for toddlers  -  This duduk kasus is further complicated by growing number of infant formula that is circulating in the market. Information about the selection of the type of understanding more and more milk is obtained, either from doctors, sales promotion in the supermarket, advertisements in print and electronic media, brochure or from the experience of other mothers. The diverse information this is sometimes confusing because parents are often very different and opposite. A mother gets advice from doctors that her son should wear milk a. when searching for the milk at the supermarket gets information from an SPG (sales promotion girl) that the milk A may not be suitable because can not fatten so it should be with milk B.

Once the home of the mother tried  "vent " per phone with a friend of his. The friend told her that her son could plump with milk C because it is more popular and more expensive. Feeling confused the mother tried consulting a doctor the other turns out to be advisory different again, children should drink milk D. This example shows that the difficulty of the selection of the type of milk many experienced by parents that have a child especially an allergy or indigestion. Electing infant formula is not appropriate will lead to disruption of some functions and organs of the body such as diarrhea, often cough, tightness and so on.

Best milk alternative for toddlers 

It turns out that the body system disorders can interfere with growth and development as well as affect child behavior disorders and heavy. The selection of the best milk for children should be done carefully and thoroughly. Milk is a food baby and children consumed each day in large quantities and the long term. When the milk is not suitable could cause interference to grow flowers that occur happen continuously over the long term. The selection of the best baby formula is a liquid or powder with a certain formula given to infants and children. They serve as a substitute for breast milk.

Infant formula has an important role in the baby food because it's often acted as the sole source of nutrition for infants. Therefore, the composition of infant formulas that are traded are controlled carefully. The FDA (Food and Drugs Association/food and drug Watchdog Agency American) mensaratkan this product must meet certain stringent standards. In general, the principle of the selection of the right milk and is good for children is the milk that is appropriate and acceptable system of the body. The best milk must not cause interference channel cerna as diarrhea, vomiting or difficulty defecating. The best milk should also not cause disruption such as tightness, cough, skin disorders and so on.

Acceptance of milk in each child is quite different. Particular child can receive A dairy, but another child when drinking milk with diarrhea or vomiting occur. Milk is tasty and most favored is not a major consideration of the election of the milk. Although the milk favored child, but when you cause a lot of glitches and systems of the body then it will cause a lot of health problems for the child. But rather when interference channel cerna children well and not interrupted then the appetite or drinking milk in children will not be disturbed. Milk prices are expensive and famous merk also is not a guarantee that the milk the best. The fame of the particular merk of infant formula in a country or region is actually more because of the success of the marketing strategy and consideration of the provision of goods.

Best milk alternative for toddlers 

It can be dillihat that the milk with the highest sales in the country of one of the other countries in the world with a very different and varied. The addition of DHA, AA, spingomielin on infant formula is not actually the main consideration is the selection of the best milk. The addition of a substance required to affect the intelligence of children are still very controversial.

Indeed milk contains calcium which is good for bone health. Now this great selection of milk that can be drunk. Then what kind of milk to a child that could be consumed?

What are the different types of milk for children?

Cow's milk

Cow's milk is milk that most frequently and consumed. Cow's milk contains a row of vitamins and healthy nutrition, such as vitamin D, calcium, sodium, niacin, and protein. Cow's milk also contain saturated fat. However, a study found that saturated fat than cow's milk has a neutral effect on the risk of heart disease.

Goat's milk

The nutrition content of goat's milk is actually similar to cow's milk. However, the calories and saturated fats contained in goat's milk a lot more, as well as the content of kalsiumnya is higher in goat milk. Then, you can adjust the nutrition needs of what the little one.

Soy milk

Soy milk is milk good alternatives for children who have allergies or intolerance towards cow milk. Soy milk has a source of energy, protein, sugar, fiber, and fat is good. Included in it contained numerous minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the body.

Soy is one of the few plants that provide essential amino acids required. Therefore soy vegetable protein source that is very good. If you want to have soy milk for your kids, choose beans made from intact and with natural sweeteners.

Best milk alternative for toddlers 

Almond milk

Almond milk is regarded as the right choice for children with cow's milk allergy or lactose intolerance. In addition, almond milk calories 50 percent lower than cow's milk. In one glass of unsweetened almond, milk you will only find 30-40 calories.

Almond milk does not have a lot of protein or calcium to become a substitute for cow's milk entirely. A glass of almond milk has only 1 gram of protein than cow's milk has 8 grams. In addition, the content of kalsiumnya 2 milligrams compared calcium content of cow's milk contains 300 milligrams. Vitamin D and kalsiumnya which pretty much makes almond milk can be used as an alternative replacement for cow's milk.

The best type of milk for children

Actually, kind of milk that's best for your child depends on the age of the child. Children under 1 year should not drink regular cow's milk, including yogurt and cheese as well as other processed cow's milk products.

After the child is 1 year old already, you can give cow's milk or reduced-fat around two percent. Children under age 2 years require nutrients and healthy fats in whole milk or reduced-fat for brain development.

When the age of the child you are already 2 years old. All kinds of milk, whole milk, regular milk with no or low fat, protein, vitamins and minerals are very similar.


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