Friday, September 7, 2018

Correct Portion Sizes For Weight Loss

How to lose weight the ideal requires commitment Correct portion sizes for weight loss

Correct portion sizes for weight loss  -  How to lose weight the ideal requires commitment, discipline, and good planning. Though not easy, ideal body weight is not just a mere dream only. You can perform the varied ways to lose weight so that the weight of You become healthy and ideal.

Eating a healthy diet is one of the major keys if you're on a strict diet. You may have selected a healthy food, but do you know how to eat a portion as well as the Division of food on your plate?

How to eat the right portions to lose weight?

Before knowing how to the subdivisions of the portion You eat in one meal, you should know first needs calories per day – are influenced by height, weight, age, and physical activity. Later in the day, calories will be divided into each meal time, i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Usually, the need for calories in a day will be divided into:

Ration breakfast: 20% of total calories
Lunch rations: 30% of total calories
Ration dinner: 25% of total calories
The remainder is allotted for a snack of 30% can be divided into 3 times, so all-consuming snacks you could spend 10% of your total calories.

Correct portion sizes for weight loss 

For example, your calorie needs in one day were as much as 2000 calories, then for breakfast, You could spend about 400 calories, as many as 600-calorie lunch and dinner reached the 500 calories. Then, you can still eat snacks that have calories as much as 600 calories and you should for the ration snacks 3 times so that the stomach always feels full and no rumbling.

How to eat a portion of the subdivision of the staple food, side dishes, vegetables in one meal?

In accordance with the guidelines of balanced nutrition that issued in the year 2014, you should no longer take rice or side dishes lightly, because in these guidelines have been explained how much rice or side dish to be eaten in one time.

Here is a guide to the dinner plate that you must do if you want a diet successfully achieved:

Vegetables. Please enter the third part of your dinner plate with vegetable. In accordance with the suggestion, you should eat vegetables as much as 250 grams in a day, so for one meal, you must spend at least 100 grams. The size of 100 grams of a vegetable equivalent of one glass of star fruit vegetable that is already cooked and drained.
Fruits. For the fruit, has the ration in Your dinner plate as much as one-fifth part. The actual needs of the fruit you will need around 150 grams. So, you can consume 50 grams every time a heavy meal. 50 grams of fruit size on par with a banana or two grapefruit-sized fields.

The staple food. Staple food rations by as much as one-third part of the plate, the same as a serving of vegetables you eat, which is about one-third part of the dinner plate. not only does the staple food rice, but you can also choose other foods if it is bored with rice, such as potatoes, noodles, vermicelli, sweet potato, cassava and so on.
Side dishes. While remaining part of a plate that is still empty, you can fill them with various types of side dishes consisting of animal protein and vegetable. Each source of animal protein you can consume as much as one serving.
Other provisions that could help accelerate the success of your diet

 Correct portion sizes for weight loss

When you have selected healthy food ingredients and arrange the serving of a meal, then you are getting close to diet results you want. But, do not forget to limit the use of salt and sugar that can derail your diet. In addition, the exercise routine if you're dieting, the law is mandatory. You will not be able to achieve satisfactory results if they do not do so well.

Don't forget Eating and select food with Balanced Nutrition

Eat regularly and do not skip meals, such as breakfast, it is very important when losing weight. Irregular eating patterns will make you hungry and increasingly tend to overeat. One way to lose weight is by eating some of the foods:

The wide variety of fruit and vegetables at least 5 servings a day, or ideally 7-9 servings. You can make it as a snack in between meals. The fruit is a healthy snack for you.
Food sources of carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, and pasta as much as a third of the serving of a meal. The best sources of carbohydrates are foods made from whole grains (whole grain).
Choose a low-fat source of protein, such as fish. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. Some types of fish that you can select include salmon, tuna, Tunny, mackerel, and fish. The other source of protein food choices are eggs, poultry, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, and beans.

Correct portion sizes for weight loss

Otherwise, there are some types of food you need to limit for weight loss:

Meat with fat, milk, butter, cheese, and fried foods. Select which has lower calories, such as chicken breast meat or low-fat milk.
The fried food. We recommend that you choose foods that are processed by means of steamed, boiled, or baked.
Salty foods or extra salt on the food.
Chocolate, biscuits, cakes and other sweet foods and drinks.
High-fat foods, such as fast food.
Move More Actively

Increase your physical activity routine with the sport being one of the things that need to be done in the weight loss process. This is a great way to lose weight is important. As for the type of exercise and the time needed to exercise depending on Your age and physical condition.

To lose weight, at least you must stay active to burn calories. For those of you who have excess weight, you could try some of the following exercise at least 30 minutes per day:

Water aerobics can burn as many calories 160 calories.
Brisk walking uphill and burned at least 250 calories.
Playing with the kids, about 160 calories.
Swim, burn 400 calories.
If you have a specific health condition, you should consult your doctor before starting to exercise. Asked for the best advice for the type and the time portion is right for you.

Correct portion sizes for weight loss 

How the Ideal weight loss each week?

Get results faster lose weight become the hope of many people, but it is not recommended because the risk poses a health problem.

A safe weight loss, which is about 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week. Keep not exceeding the range each week.

Some health risks of weight loss are too much and quick, among others, experiencing fatigue, feeling unwell, are experiencing undernourished, and the emergence of gallstones.

How To Keep Weight Off After A Successful Drop Him?

Generally, maintaining weight loss after a successful it down is not an easy matter. And, sometimes, some people often experience gaining weight back but has earned it down.

Here are a few ways of maintaining ideal body weight after successfully demoted him, namely:

Keep the routine exercise
Sport is a very important way to keep your weight steady. At least, get a lot of exercise for 30 minutes every day in a week.
Try not to leave the breakfast
Breakfast is an important factor for maintaining weight. A healthy breakfast can help so you don't overeat during the day.
Change in lifestyle
By adopting a healthy lifestyle, your weight will be more controlled and body become more healthy of course. If your weight is already managed to get down, do not go back on the previous lifestyle that can make the weight goes up again.
Weight loss plan so important is based on a strong motivation. Losing weight can improve the vitality of the body while reducing the risk of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, relieve pain, and improve the ability of motion in people with osteoarthritis.

Start changing eating patterns become more healthy and reproduce physical activity with exercise. If you feel difficulty, you could consult a doctor to get away to lose weight that is appropriate for you.


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