Friday, September 7, 2018

Foods That Boost Testosterone And Lower Estrogen

Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen

Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen  -   Testosterone is one of the many produced by a man than a woman that is hormone androgen, groups of steroid for the man who played an important role for health specially in a reproduction.  Another function of this hormone can increase libido, energy, immune function, and there is protection against osteoporosis.

The production of the hormone Testoterone on a grown man 20 x more than women. When a person aged 40 years then the testosterone levels have peaked and will the production will decrease. Frankly, High testosterone levels then it will effect on sexual performance, reproductive function, muscle mass, hair growth, aggressive behavior, competitive, and diverse other masculine traits.

To increase hormone testosterone on yourself, then you need a lot of consuming foods that can increase hormone, some foods can increase your testosterone production we will describe are palpable on the page These. Surely it will improve some of the functions of the existing organ on your body as explained earlier.

Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen

Eat a lot of nuts and seeds grain

To increase your Testosterone can consume many nuts or seeds, even though you're in a State of diet, as embodying some nuts or seeds such as walnut or almond nuts/seeds of flowers Sun and Sesame will not affect your diet be failed.

Eating oysters and other zinc-rich foods.

You need to increase your intake of foods that contain lots of "zinc", because zinc can help increase testosterone levels significantly in just 6 weeks. Foods that contain zinc, one of which "Oysters/Mussels".

Many eat eggs especially eggs free-range chicken.

Eggs are a source of intake of foods that contain cholesterol and zinc, cholesterol contained in egg yolks are good cholesterol so you don't have to worry, and terror is a super food-producing testosterone. Egg yolks contain HDL (or good cholesterol) in bulk that is forming in the production of testosterone.

Multiple Eating cabbages.

Cabbage (also green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale) can help Your testosterone production. These vegetables contain compounds called phytochemicals with indol-3-carbinols (IC3) which has the double effect of increasing male hormone that is at once lowers the female hormones.

Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen 

Drinking Vitamin D3.

Technically, this supplement is a hormone, a hormone is very important. Research shows that people who drink supplement D3 regularly have higher testosterone levels.

Consume The Avocado Fruit

Avocado fruit contains that quite a lot like folic acid, protein and vitamin B6. A person who consumes a lot of avocado fruit will be able to increase production of a hormone testosterone.

So some of the above food which can add to the hormone testosterone. And here are some foods that lower estrogen levels for our agency.

Estrogen is a natural hormone known for its role in female fertility, but it is too much estrogen accumulates in the body will cause weight gain and may increase the risk of cancer, osteoporosis, thyroid disorders, and other diseases. Fortunately, you can lower the level of estrogen in the home through changes in diet and lifestyle.

1. Eat that much.
Eat more organic food. Although the pesticides and other chemicals used in the production of food is not always produce more estrogen, however usually have effects like estrogen when absorbed by the body. Eating organic foods will prevent the entry of these chemical substances into the body.

2. Eat a lot of fiber-containing

Enter more fiber in your diet. Lever throw estrogen into bile acids, bile acids and passes through the intestine during the digestion process. Dietary fiber can help reduce estrogen in the bile.
Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Foods that boost testosterone and lower estrogen 

3. Foods containing polyphenols

Know what foods that contain polyphenols. Polyphenols derived from food crops. Recent research indicates that polyphenols help lower estrogen levels in the blood.
Flax seeds are very useful. In addition to the polyphenols, Lignans flaxseed also contains, which may block the effects of estrogen in the body and be blocking the production of estrogen. But the seeds of the flax plant estrogen called contains Phytoestrogens, so you shouldn't eat it.
Other grains, such as chia and sesame, have similar benefits.

Many of the grains are not processed also contains polyphenols in large quantities. Some of the best among other cereals wheat, oats, rye, corn, rice, barley, and millet.

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