Friday, September 7, 2018

Best Face Wash For Athletes

 As someone who is doing more outdoor activities certainly will be many sportsmen exposed  Best face wash for athletes

Best face wash for athletes  - As someone who is doing more outdoor activities certainly will be many sportsmen exposed to sunlight, dust, and pollution that can damage the skin. Therefore, doing body care for an athlete to become mandatory law.

What's more, it's often a sportsman also charged to appear in public and at official events that require them to meet a lot of people. They were not a few fans. Thus, an athlete and athletes need to always perform a clean and captivating so that more confidence and the spirit of achievement.

To support the appearance of sportsmen to always look good, there are four products that they have.

1. Sunblock

While practice or compete, athletes will be exposed to sunlight in quite a long time. If it is not protected with sunblock, their skin so vulnerable exposed skin diseases, such as the early skin aging, skin tone uneven, and skin cancer. Therefore, we recommend using sunblock sportsman with a minimum SPF of 50, so its protection for a longer period of time.

Best face wash for athletes

2. Drink aloe vera

Skin care products is not always in the form of creams or medications, natural drinks such as aloe vera or Aloe Vera can also protect the skin of the same maximum. Many Aloe vera contains vitamins C and B, as well as electrolytes, so able to maintain hydration and moisture of the skin. The amino acid content can also resist inflammation and bacteria.

3. Body lotion

The skin often exposed to friction and sportsmen exposure to various elements, such as Sun and pollution. Therefore, their skin hydration is very important for its brightness and elasticity is maintained in order to stay awake. One product that could help this is the body lotion. Usually equipped with body lotion and serum vitamin B is capable of damming the skin. Body lotion should be used every day after bathing.

4. Face Soap

Perspiration and pollution that stick in the face of many have negative effects, such as facial skin is so dull, oily, dry embossing, and acne. Therefore, every exhausted exercise or while taking a bath, the sportsmen face wash with SOAP special advance.

Despite that, the selected face SOAP should be adjusted to the type of skin, whether dry or oily. Because, if it's wrong, the benefits of a SOAP should not be felt.

Best face wash for athletes

To the duduk kasus of excess oil, acne and dull skin, you can try using SOAP advance search, Liquid Facial Foam from NIVEA MEN. Liquid Facial Foam has better benefits for facial skin than facial foam. Due to its liquid then can more easily enter into the deepest layers of the pores to remove excess oil.

Liquid face SOAP NIVEA MEN consists of three products for different skin types. The similarities between all three is the liquid form so it is easy to sign in to the inner pore layer to remove excess oil and dirt.

First, there is the Oil Attack Plus Bright for men with greasy face. This product is able to make the facial skin and pores clean of oil and dirt. The face will be free of excess oil up to eight hours without making it dry.

The second product is the acne protect. This product is intended for men with greasy face and breakouts. The liquid can enter into the deepest layers of the pore to lift oil and acne-causing bacteria.

Lastly, NIVEA MEN Max Bright for men who have a dull and greasy faces. This product is helpful to make face skin free from oils and opaque because it brightens the face from within. In doing so, the face looks brighter all day in one wash the face.

Read Also: Sports Acne Treatment

Not only for the athlete, the upfront SOAP is also ideal for men's facial skin Indonesia. Tropical season in Indonesia made its citizens often are exposed to sunlight, dirt, oil, and sweat.


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