Saturday, September 8, 2018

Foods That Lower Testosterone In Females

Foods that lower testosterone in females Foods that lower testosterone in females

Foods that lower testosterone in females  -  Probably most of you only know what foods can increase the levels of the hormone testosterone. In fact, we recommend that you also need to know the foods that can lower the levels of the sex hormone testosterone so you no passion. Well, here it will explain the 7 foods you should subtract the consumed so as not to cause a negative effect on your body.

1. Processed Products Flaxseed

Flaxseed products currently or flaxseed is very popular because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and high in it. This is a very positive benefit for your body.
However, if you are consuming in excess then the negative impact will be greater than the perceived benefits, especially for a man. Flaxseed diet lignin level was known to have 800 times greater than any other food. Therefore, should you have to balance it with other healthy foods?

Foods that lower testosterone in females

2. Licorice

In Finland and in many other European countries, licorice is regularly used in tobacco, tea, candies, and chewing gum. Although it feels amazing and some experts claim that it really is a healthy food, the main compound in licorice-glycyrrhizic acid has negative side effects and can lower the levels of the hormone testosterone.
The negative effects of glycyrrhizic acid against testosterone production first seen in studies of the tube. The researchers found that a very simple dose capable of significantly lowering the production of the hormones testosterone and inhibits the activity of the enzyme 17 β-HSD, is needed as a catalyst in the production of the hormone testosterone.

3. Vegetable oils high in PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty acids)

Most of the cooking oil used worldwide in the 20th century, is subtle vegetable oil, aka. liquid oil that is extracted from plant sources, which are then processed in various ways. There was a study done from the year 1997, which clearly shows on the subject of the human female, that:
an increased intake of total fats increase testosterone levels
an increase in the intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA) increase testosterone
increase intake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) raise testosterone levels
and increased intake of plural unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reduces the levels of the hormones testosterone
Almost all vegetable oils rich in PUFA (with the exception of coconut oil, palm oil, avocado oil, and olive oil).

Foods that lower testosterone in females

4. Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint

Many of the plants of Mentha " ", or "  mint family", including spearmint, peppermint, and various other hybrids, are known to reduce the levels of the hormone testosterone. For more details, will be focused on two of the most common plant of the mint family; Peppermint (Mentha spicata) and spearmint (Mentha piperita).
These herbs can be found in many soaps, shampoo, cough reliever, lip-balm, and toothpaste. Both are also widely used for cooking purposes. However, the effect on the levels of the hormone testosterone is not so great

5. Alcohol

Consuming a drink containing alcohol significantly lowers testosterone levels in the body. The results of the study in Finland shows that that 1 g alcohol/kg (equivalent to the ½ glass of vodka) was able to increase testosterone levels by as much as 100%.
However, excessive alcohol consumption is proven to lower levels of the hormone testosterone and even increase estrogen levels. Therefore, if you want to increase the passion of sex and avoid problems such as sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction, reduce excessive alcohol consumption and healthy eating patterns make it a habit.

Foods that lower testosterone in females

6. Soy products

The high amount of isoflavones phyto-esterogen (genistein, daidzein, glycitein) in soybean, suggesting that soy will give rise to the same effect in the body as the female sex hormones namely estrogen. In addition, soy isoflavones are considered very  " goitrogenic", which means that it can interfere with the absorption of iodine in the thyroid gland. Hail is considered one of the main causes of declining testosterone hormone in the body of the man.  

7. Trans fat

Trans fat is a common byproduct of the process called  "hydrogenation ". If you are wondering what are the foods that are high in trans fat, the most common are:
vegetable oil shortening (FAT for cakes)
margarine and butter containing oil
fast food, especially: Burger King, McDonald's, and KFC
potato chips (not all, but some)
doughnuts and muffins
cookies, cake, and cream
There are many products on the top labeled  "trans-fat free ", but that does not mean automatically the product is fat-free. This is because the FDA (U.s. food Supervisory Agency) allows the above products contain fatty acids up to 0.5 grams.


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