Saturday, September 8, 2018

Foot Care Tips Home Remedies

 walk into the forgotten part of the body to be treated Foot care tips home remedies
Foot care home remedies

Foot care tips home remedies  -  Usually, walk into the forgotten part of the body to be treated. Possible, as it is located on the bottom and not look, the feet are considered not noteworthy. In fact, our daily activities rely on the feet to move from one place to another. If not treated, the legs can experience problems that will hinder You doing activities, damage the beauty and lose confidence. How to make your feet be beautiful and healthy.

Lack of attention to the legs, the Sustainer of this body, will cause problems that will interfere. Some of the problems that often occur in the legs, then the following tips on foot care at home can be done by us.

Dry Skin

Because being in the room is air-conditioned and burned by the rays of the Sun are some factors cause feet to become dry. Plus more, the foot is a part of the body that have only a little oil glands


It is the thickening of the skin of the feet. Is common because of the wrong shoes or rubbing against hard on the area in a long time.

Foot care tips home remedies


Embossed redness and itch is a sign that the infected foot fungus.

Smelly Feet

You can be embarrassed if upon opening the shoes or SOCKS feet smell unpleasant. This is because of the many sweats produced. Plus the distance covered by the shoe then the bacteria can evolve quickly. Sweat and bacteria that mix is what raises the odor on the feet.

Foot Care
So that these problems are not your natural foot care required. Foot care is not complicated and you can do easily at home. Caring for beautiful feet healthy and composed of several steps as follows:


Prepare a basin containing warm water plus liquid antiseptic or bath salts. Liquid antiseptics will prevent bacteria from developing. Soak the foot in warm water can be a way to relaxation and to keep to keep feet healthy.

Foot care tips home remedies


By using a special brush, scrub the feet overall. Brushing your feet aims to lift dirt and dead skin cells so that the legs look more bright and feet can breathe freely.


Doing a scrub for the feet can be done using a pumice stone, lemon or polisher that resembles pumice stone. This will help avoid foot calluses.

Pat dry

Drying carefully done with feet included on the sidelines. Don't let the feet in a State of moist because it will become a favorite places growing mushrooms.
Use Cream

Foot care tips home remedies

You could use some cream so that the feet to be healthy. To avoid dry feet, use Moisturiser on the feet. If there is a particular perkara on the feet, such as calluses or mushrooms, use a special cream to heal him. You can also use a special cream to lift the cuticle for easy lifted. Use cream or Moisturiser while massaging the feet so moisturized it can work optimally. It will also make the foot becomes smooth.
Scissors and paint

Don't forget the nail part when caring for the feet. Nail clippers to look tidy and use the miser to smooth nail edge. If you want to look beautiful, can be slathered paint nails with your favorite colors.
Feet need attention and care. By taking care of the feet, now you can show people your pretty feet are beautiful, clean and healthy.


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