Sunday, September 9, 2018

Kefir Benefits Skin Care For Beauty Skin

Kefir benefits skin care for beauty skin Kefir benefits skin care for beauty skin

Kefir benefits skin - Everyone surely has always wished to have a pretty face, clean and shining. But the more outstanding facial creams that use dangerous chemicals that made many people afraid to use facial creams. Now, this has been present face cream kefir who paint the benefits without any harmful effects. So what are the benefits of face cream kefir with different other products? the use of face cream to treat and improve the face of charm indeed owned a growing ekspresi dominan among the community. The use of creams can maximize the use of face masks so that the face will look more beautiful, clean and shining. Then what is the difference between kefir cream face cream?

The mask is one of the many facials done since women first. Due to the technological advancements of cosmetic, mask already circulating in various forms and content of diverse chemicals. However, there was a bit of a mask made from natural cures are also great. One mask kefir.

Kefir is a goat's milk or cow's milk fermented fruit seedlings using kefir. Milk fermentation process lasts for four days and interspersed with the stirring process. The stirring function accelerates the growth of probiotic bacteria.

Kefir has now been much used as a face mask by either women or men. To obtain the benefits of kefir with the optimal mask, you need to look at some things that are fundamental.

A mask made from naturally has the typical benefits of the skin tissue. So, before you use kefir as the mask, you are obligated to know the effects of use kefir which already scrutinized by experts.

Kefir benefits skin 

Kefir is itself a natural ingredient made from fermented goat milk. The use of the benefits of kefir itself has been utilized to serve drinks to the health of prebiotic up to now in benefits. which worked to keep the beauty of body skin especially on the face. Kefir face cream made with 100% organic ingredients namely dairy quality goat which is then fermented and added organic ingredients that can maximize the performance of cream kefir to treat facial skin. Benefits of face cream kefir itself already proved by many people. Kefir is apparently used by the Emperor and Empress European resentment-to take care of the body.  Benefits of face cream kefir now this is already perceived by public figures in LA. and keep their appearance. Kefir which has good quality itself has special characteristics, namely chewy texture that has like cream and not easily destroyed, color pure white, the fragrant smell has a typical tape (the smell of fermentation). The benefits that can be felt from face cream kefir we use :

Function Relieves Inflammatory
Inflammatory or inflammation occurs when skin tissue injury. Inflammation arises as a reaction of the immune system against microbial infection or compounds that irritate the skin. Skin that is experiencing inflammation will be visible redness, hematoma, rash, and was injured.

Inflammation of the skin of the face can be caused by many things for example error use of cosmetic products, allergy, insect stings, infections of the bacteria or fungus, or skin disease.

In addition, to use as a mask, kefir can also be consumed regularly as do you eat yogurt. A study showed that the use of cow's or goat's milk fermented with kefir fruit is more effective in dealing with inflammation when compared to seed powder fruit kefir.

This research method is similar to the method for testing chemical medications with anti-inflammatory functions such as dexamethasone. The capability of kefir in relieving symptoms associated with the inflammatory content of compound polysaccharide in it.

Kefir benefits skin

Capable of warding off bacteria and fungi

A study shows the benefits of kefir in inhibiting the growth of bacteria causes indigestion. While other studies have suggested that kefir in the form of a gel has protective effects of skin tissue to infection bacteria s. aureus.

The pH-related effects of kefir. The longer the fermentation of milk is done then the degree of acidity (pH) of milk will decrease. And the lower the degree of acid then the higher milk fermentation ability in also inhibits the growth of microbes.

Accelerate The Process Of Wound Healing

A research has been testing the effects of wound healing of kefir. The test is performed on the mice with skin tissue damage (lesions) and has experienced bacterial infection p. aeruginosa.

The process of wound healing is done with comparing gel kefir on different fermentation time. As it turns out, the longer the fermented milk is then the process of wound healing in the skin tissue is also getting faster. The effects are thought to originate from the formation of the compound lactic acid, acetic acid, and polysaccharides in milk kefir.

Has anti-aging Effects

Kefir contains probiotics that turned out to be a lot more compared to yogurt. Fermented milk kefir beans have about 30 kinds of bacteria and yeast that are good for skin health and digestion.

Sun radiation is believed to cause the formation of black spots and wrinkles. According to the study, probiotics have myriad benefits to the skin.

Not only cope with acne and relieve inflammation due to an allergy, probiotics in kefir milk apparently can help improve the skin from damage due to exposure to sunlight.

Kefir benefits skin 

Lifting Dead Skin Cells

Research has shown that kefir contains a number of compounds of lactic acid-producing bacteria. These compounds can serve as an exfoliator (skin Exfoliating agents).

According to a study of another, the lactic acid compound not only works to exfoliate dead skin cells, these compounds can also provide anti-aging effects against the skin. Use regularly to get the most out of.

Overcome Dry Skin

Probiotics in kefir can also help mask damming of the skin. Damming of the skin is one way to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

A collection of good bacteria in fermented milk it turns out not only was able to overcome the dryness of the skin due to the air. According to a study, dry skin caused by eczema or psoriasis can also be reduced with the use of routine masks kefir.

The content of the kefir making face cream face many benefits for facial skin?

AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acids) that Act attach the epidermis layer of the skin of the dead so as to speed up the regeneration of facial skin

Protein, fat, iron as nutrients to the skin so the skin will be more healthy.

Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and vitamin D that serves to smooth the skin. Vitamin has also some anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness caused by pimples recalcitrant and also help repair damaged skin.

Amino acids found in kefir acts as an element of builders, maintainers, as well as agents that repair damaged cells in the skin.

Similar to kefir PH pH skin allergies and skin does make more easily accepted by the skin
Probiotic bacteria are used to kill the bad bacteria that stick to the skin of the face.

After learning the benefits of kefir mask according to the experts, it's good you implement tips to benefit optimally kefir masks.

Wash Your Face To Clean

The function of a mask will decrease if your face is still in a State of dirty and full of dust layer. Remember, always choose a facial cleanser to clean the pores upon you and don't forget to read how to wash your face right Yes!

Kefir benefits skin 

Help with steam

As additional preparation, you can do the process of steam on the face. Put a bowl of hot water, and you face may be located near a water steam for some time. You can also use a washcloth soaked in warm water and then tacked on the face clean for a few minutes.

Use The Scrub

If not avoid breakouts, you also could use a scrub made from lightly. The process of exfoliation scrub with dead skin cells can help mask the optimal working more on kefir to avoid. But don't do this on the skin that is experiencing irritation Yes!

Do Not Use A Mask Too Long

Use a mask too long do not always provide a more optimal effect. Thus it can cause skin irritation. For that use masks appropriately. A good time to apply the mask to the face of the range 15-25 minutes. The mask should also only used one to two times during the week.

Rinse The Face To Clean

Masks are not cleaned completely can cause irritation and cause acne. Cleanse face with lukewarm water, many times with a circular motion. Finally, rinse the face with cold water.

Understand The Reaction Of The Mask Against The Face Of The

Many people are unable to distinguish the adjustment reaction of skin with allergic reactions. Need to understand if after long-term use of skin rashes and something red in our face does not improve or even growing worse, you might be allergic and does not match the mask made from milk.

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