Monday, November 26, 2018

Ancient Indian Beauty Secrets-Part 1

Hello everyone,

Its been a long time sorry for the late post.Here are some of the ancient beauty secrets from Ancient Indian women,Well Women in Ancient India where praised for the long hair ,complexion and their personality.Lets revisit some of their beauty secrets passed on.

Coconut oil

One of the best remedies used by people of India mainly South India.

 Its been a long time sorry for the late post Ancient Indian BEAUTY Secrets-Part 1

  • In ancient days people used coconut oil as  Today's Body lotion. i.e  applied oil on whole body since its a good moisturizer .Also used in Massages.
  • Apply on face to remove the makeup since it dissolves dirt and oils.and provides good hydration.
  • Coconut oil on hair  acts as sunscreen .it repairs the damaged hair provides nourishment.
Link  to buy virgin coconut oil

Not just applying ,Coconut is a part of their diet ,people in South Indian especially  coastal regions like Mangalore ,Kerala ,use grated coconuts in their curry ,and most of the food items which gives them clear glowing skin.

Besan/Gram Flour

  • Ancient Indians did not use Soaps for Bathing instead they used Gram flour .It acts like a soap and Body scrub.
  • Used in most of the face packs.
  • Gram flour helps in getting rid of pimples for oily skin
  • Exfoliates dead skins and provides glowing healthy skin.
Link  to buy organic Gram flour:


Turmeric is anti-inflammatory,antiseptic,has strong antioxidant properties.It is widely used by Indian women

  • Heals wounds 
  • Turmeric tea is used to relieve stomach disorders,help in bowel movements and thus help in reducing weight.
  • Turmeric is widely popular among Indian Moms,they give a glass of Haldhi dhudh which is milk with turmeric 
  • Using Turmeric is a popular home remedies transferred from generation to generation  to reduce acne and its scars
Face pack:
Mix 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric 
2-3 drops of Lemon
1 teaspoon of milk and apply it on your face.After it dries wash it with Luke warm water


Part of our daily routine.Its said that Ancient Indian queens used to bath in Milk.Even today Goddess Idols are bathed in milk and turmeric due to their immense benefits

  • Milk has lactic acid which hydrates,moisturizes the skin
  • Milk as Cleanser:Take some raw milk in a bowl ,Dip cotton pad in the milk bowl and dab it on your face.
  • Milk as Night cream:Take 2 teaspoon of Raw milk add 2 to 3 drops of fresh lemon juice.Apply it on your cleansed face and keep it overnight.Was it with lukewarm water next morning.

Please find the link to do home made facial using Milk.

That is some of the Beauty Secrets to know more Please Follow,Subscribe and Share.

Feel Beautiful!!!

Signing off.


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