Friday, September 7, 2018

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body  - Green bean (Phaseolus radiatus l.) is one of the important legumes plants in Southeast Asia and South Asia. In Indonesia, the plant occupies third place after soybeans and peanuts, either regarding the vast acreage of planting and production as well as its role as a food ingredient.

Frankly, This plant is a not long-lived annual, estimated 65 days Seed green beans have protein content as much as 24.4%, 1%, fat and carbohydrates 64.6%. In addition, according to the (Marzuki and Soeprapto, 2007), these plants contain vitamin B1, vitamin A and C. And also green pea seeds mostly consumed for food ingredients such as bean sprouts, soup, porridge, flour, beverages, and tofu.

In Indonesia, the spread of green bean production areas in Aceh, West Sumatra and South Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sulawesi and South Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.

Java is the main producer of green beans in Indonesia, the potential of the dry land of the area of the appropriate planting green beans. Green beans are a type of cultivation and plant crops in tropical regions. Obviously, Plant of the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae) has many benefits in everyday life as a source of high-protein food vegetable foodstuffs.

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body

Planting green beans as well as soybeans that are always increasing from year to year, but its production is not increased, the green beans have a high protein content of 22% and is a source of important minerals, among others calcium and phosphorus. While the content of fat is unsaturated fatty acids. The content of calcium and phosphorus on the green beans are beneficial to strengthen bones.

Green beans also contain low fat which is very good for those who want to avoid high-fat consumption. Not only is it low-fat levels in green bean also led to a food or beverage that is made from the green bean is not easily smell.

Traditionally, the pregnant mothers are often advised to drink green beans so that babies who are born have thick hair. The content of calcium and phosphorus content of green beans are beneficial to strengthen the bone framework. The fat content is also far lower than soy. Therefore, the green beans are very good for people who want to avoid high-fat consumption. Green beans are also able to maintain heart health because the fat content does not reach 73 percent.

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body

Green Beans Generally Have The Following Benefits:
1. Mineral resources
Green beans are foods that became one of the mineral resources. Some of the essential minerals contained in it is a potassium, magnesium, folic acid, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. Potassium and magnesium are important for maintaining heart health

2. Rich in fiber
Green beans are also a source of food rich in fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble. Insoluble fiber helps keep the digestive system in order to stay healthy and reduce constipation problem. While the soluble fiber helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood and keep blood sugar levels

3. Protein-rich
As the nutrient that can build the body, you should get sufficient protein intake every day. In contrast to animal protein which often still contains saturated fat, green beans are one of the sources of vegetable protein is good without the saturated fat levels.

4. Good for heart health
Another great benefit of this beans is good for heart health. Eating green beans on a regular basis helps lower bad cholesterol levels and increase the flexibility of the arteries and veins.

5. Has the effect of Detoxification
Green beans have the benefits of detoxing your body and boost your metabolism. In natural medicine in China and India, the green beans are often recommended for detoxification (expenses a toxin) in the body and cure chronic diseases.

Benefits Of Green Beans For The Health Of The Body

6. Lose weight
Green beans are low in calories (not cooked with coconut milk and sugar) are a source of fiber that can give a sense of satiety for longer. So, the desire to be snacking is stuck. This was positives for you that need dieters are healthy and natural.

Moody, k. 1979. Weed Control in Tropical Legumes. Symposium on Weed Control in Tropical Crop. Weed Science Society of The Philippines, Manila Inc.
HARTONO, r., and Purwono. 2005. Green beans. The Diffuser Is Self-help. Jakarta.
Rukmana, r. 1997. Green Beans; Cultivation and Pascapanen. Canisius. Yogyakarta.
Soeprapto., and t. Sutarman. 1991. Green Bean Cultivation. Self-help. AnggotaIKAPI. 35 pp
Marzuki, r., and H.S. Soeprapto. 2007. Green Bean Cultivation. The Diffuser Is Self-help. Jakarta


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