Sunday, September 9, 2018

High Protein Diet Plan For Weight Loss Recipes

High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes

High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes - Diet to lose weight identical to withstand hunger. However, unlike the case with the protein diet. This is precisely the diet recommend you eating diet its delicious hidangan and give a sense of satiety for longer. When done properly this diet can lose weight You optimally.

High protein diet is done by consuming protein daily at least 1, 5 g per kilo of body weight or 30-40 percent of the total calories of macronutrients are recommended. If in the day someone needs an 1800 calorie diet recommended for then consuming protein of about 45 up to 218 grams per day.

From the results of research in Scotland, it is known that high dietary protein made during the 8-12 week was able to lose weight by as much as 6.5 kg to 10 kg. Fat decreased from 36, 7 percent to 34 percent. Any shrinking waistlines start from 6 cm to 4 cm. 9, the result will be better when high protein diet coupled with a diet high in fibre and physical activity on a regular basis.

During the run of this diet a person will multiply the consumption of animal protein, especially as well as reducing the consumption of carbohydrates. That way, the body will be forced to burn flab and then converted into energy so that weight loss can decrease rapidly. You will also feel a full bit long because of blood sugar stable stringently today.

High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes

But unfortunately, the consumption of high protein but low levels of carbohydrates and fiber can interfere with the work and the functions of other organs. The work of the kidneys will be heavier due to the rise in the rest of the protein metabolism that can cause the risk of kidney stones.

In addition, the lack of fiber can cause intestinal hoard a lot of fat, bones lose calcium and the body is dehydrated because of the high levels of protein in the body. No wonder if, a person undergoing this diet has a body ideal but damaged his kidney so often do a wash of blood.

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High protein diet actually can be done by everyone with a variety of ages. Only adults with a healthy body condition and normal kidney function can apply to this diet.

Please note that a high protein diet does not mean replacing carbohydrates with proteins. This diet increases the consumption of proteins that normally ranges from 10-20 percent to 30-40 percent. When done correctly then this diet will impact positively on the body, such as blood sugar levels normal, blood fats, insulin, hormone status of iron and vitamin B12.

The truth is the protein diet with complete and balanced nutrition is input with an appropriate proportion of the amount of 50 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fat, and 30-40 percent protein.

High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes

Proteins burn more calories

Protein takes longer to digest and are processed by the body. Therefore, the body will burn more calories while you process them. Protein also makes you ' quite satisfyingly ' in quite a long time, so you will not lose energy quickly.

When you add a 30% protein in the diet is done, you simply consume 450 calories per day and in 12 weeks with no other diet, You can lose weight by as much as 5 kg. Certainly, the results are pretty amazing!

Protein decrease appetite

Protein can reduce hunger and appetite in many ways. When you add the amount of protein in your diet, you will automatically reduce the amount of caloric intake. You no longer need to calculate how many calories there are in your food. A high protein diet is not only beneficial to metabolism but also reduces the appetite so it will be easier to reduce your intake of calories that get into the body.

Protein prevents hungry at night

Hungry in the evening is the enemy for everyone because it can interfere with the path to an ideal body. Eating at night can add more calories than eating during the day because the body is not too active at night. In a study of teenagers found that high-protein breakfast is proven to prevent hungry at night.

High protein diet plan for weight loss recipes

Muscle repair and protein metabolism

When the weight comes down, muscles also fell, declining anybody metabolism. Exercising regularly helps you get the back muscles and metabolism ever stay awake. Consume foods high in protein after exercise is highly recommended because the muscles will absorb the nutrients and is used to improve muscle lost due to diet. Without protein and exercise, you may look thin instead of lean and fit.

Protein helps lose weight

By adding 30% of your caloric intake, you can lose weight by as much as 5 kg within 12 weeks. Those results are purely just by consuming protein diet without the other. Many people who are successful with his diet to complain when their weight back, whereas a diet high in protein is proven to prevent weight regain.

How to increase your protein intake?

Increase your protein intake is very easy, high protein food consumption is below:

Meat: chicken, beef, etc.
Boiled eggs are comparable to 6 grams of protein. Cook some eggs and put in the fridge, eat as a substitute for a snack when you need your intake of protein.
Milk and cheese. One stem of cheese comparable to 8 grams of protein. You can variate the consumption of cheese with Apple until feeding arrives.
To lose weight and get the body ideal, very precisely because the protein is rich in nutrients. However, consuming protein alone will not help you get an ideal body without other businesses such as, exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet, and healthy living.

But, the added protein in your diet certainly is the right solution, besides being able to reduce your calorie intake and keep the body's metabolism, you are spared from serious diseases.


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