Sunday, September 9, 2018

Best Probiotics Mayo Clinic For People Who Needed

Best probiotics mayo clinic for people who needed Best probiotics mayo clinic for people who needed

Best probiotics mayo clinic  - When we hear the word bacteria, people usually imagine everything bad and related diseases. Anyway, you're taking an antibiotic for treating bacterial infections. Bacteria in the wrong place is indeed causing problems, but there are also good bacteria that can support our health. It's called Probiotics good bacteria. From where can we get a source of probiotics? Before, we need to know first what is a probiotic.

What is a probiotic?

Probiotics are microorganisms that can help prevent and cope with the disease. Help the digestive system and enhances the immune system is the most popular probiotic uses at this time. Probiotics do exist naturally in our bodies. However, you can also get probiotics from foods, drinks, and supplements.

Probiotics are already starting to be known since the early 20th century, where Elie Metchnikoff, or more commonly known as the father of probiotics, found that residents of rural Bulgaria can live in a very long period of time even though they live with extreme hunger and bad weather. Elie theorized that they can still survive because manipulating microorganisms found in their digestive system. The trick is to eat sour milk containing bacteria-bacteria are good for their bodies. Since then, much research is being done to develop the invention of Elie in the field of probiotics.

Best probiotics mayo clinic

About mayo clinic

That is not enough to simply focus on the five elements, namely ServQual Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Responsiveness, and Empathy, or better known as the model of the RATER. In the kurun of new wave, where the world is getting a horizontal, needed a new concept of treating service that we refer to as caring. The next question, of course, is about how this concept actually caring can be applied in real conditions of a company. And what is with the caring of a company really can be superior compared to apply the concept of regular service. To that end, in this article, we will discuss more Mayo Clinic. This according to our medical institutions have implemented some elements of caring in daily business practices.

The name of the Mayo Clinic is certainly no stranger to the medical or healthcare service providers in the world. It consistently always got recognition as one of the best hospitals in the world. The Magazine US News and World Report year 2009 put the Mayo Clinic on the ranking #2 in the list of "America's best hospitals". In the survey year 2003 asking residents of the United States about the hospital that will be selected for a serious condition, 18 percent would choose Mayo Clinic. This is more than three times greater than the number-two institutions mentioned.
But the success of the Mayo Clinic is not just based on common factors found in other companies. The institution was founded by William Worrall Mayo along with his two sons since 1889 it has developed into a hospital implemented various systems and methods that are unique in the service of his patients. It is among others based on the physician payment system is wages, not based on the volume of passed handled. As well as cultural cooperation which allows communication between the senior doctor and equivalent junior.

Here's an interesting Professor Leonard l. Berry, to leave his main job as a lecturer at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, for 5 months from the year 2001 until 2002 to be a visiting scientist at the Mayo Clinic. The agenda continued with his experience conducting thousands of interviews and additional research from the year 2002 to 2006 until eventually resulted in a book called "Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic" which he wrote together with Kent d. Seltman, former Director marketing Mayo Clinic. Discovered by Professor Berry it's interesting. One of them is how the core values the Mayo Clinic, which is "The needs of the patient come first" can be maintained for nearly a century since the first articulated by William j. Mayo in 1910. Even this concept never forgets to be appointed whenever the meeting management needs to make decisions with respect to patient services.

Best probiotics mayo clinic 

This is certainly very different from slogans "customer first" is used to indicate the presence of many companies focuses on service consumers. Often this slogan just stopped on part of marketing, and not being a company culture that is imbued with the entire staff, from top management to the Administration Officer. So it is seen that a corporate culture that is a very important element in implementing the concept of caring.

The Mayo Clinic also never stop innovate in delivering services. But the focus is always on the needs of the patient, which is not always in line with what was explicitly requested by the patient. It looks at the Mayo Clinic innovation agenda named SPARC. This program, which was run together with IDEO, iconic design companies in the world, stands for See, Plan, Act, React, Communicate this is an ambitious effort from the Mayo Clinic to overhaul how the healthcare services provided to patients. The interesting part of the SPARC, at least from the point of view of the service is that the main focus was to improve communication between doctors and patients. Mayo Clinic realize well that the more patients understand what is encountered, the services provided will be more successful, and the results of medical care will be maximum. So here the focus is providing something that is most relevant to consumers, not just consumer expectations exceeded

The third thing that is interesting is how the Mayo Clinic is truly aware of the power of word of mouth. Growing up in Rochester, Minnesota, a small city in the United States, Mayo Clinic often referred to as "a big merk from a little town". With a location that is not famous, certainly not easily attract patients from all over the United States, in fact, all over the world. With a very small budget, advertising, and marketing team that previously only consists of one person (until 1991), this institution could not rely on the power of above the line promotion in the mass media. Therefore, these institutions have long been aware that they had to change the customer become a marketer. So, the entire staff is directed to provide a service that is "worth talking about."

Best probiotics mayo clinic 

How be strong word of mouth they create? Surveys conducted internally shows that 95 percent of the patients of the Mayo Clinic States that would voluntarily pass on good things to others. And each of the patients stated they would talk with about 45 other people. Mayo Clinic never focuses on the various mechanisms of the "lock-in" that may be difficult for the patient to move to other health institutions. Even one of the models of care that are applied there stating explicitly that the Mayo Clinic should work closely with the local doctor where the patients will probably continue her treatment. It is clear that for the Mayo Clinic, recommendations given by each patient is much more important than whether the patient was back again or not.

Back to probiotics.
How do probiotics work?

The researchers tried to do some research to find out how these bacteria are actually working. Here are a few ways that make probiotics are useful for your health:

When you are taking antibiotics, then isn't that bad bacteria are killed, but the rest of the good bacteria that are good and bad will join him. With consuming foods or supplements containing probiotics, your body will be able to restore battery-good bacteria were killed.
Probiotics can help your body balance between good and bad bacteria in your body, so your body can work as much as they should.

Types of probiotics

There are many bacteria that can be classified as a probiotic. All these bacteria have different benefits, but nearly all the bacteria enter into 2 equal groups:

Lactobacillus. The bacteria in this group is probably the most widely found bacteria in probiotic products. The bacteria in this group are the bacteria that You find in yogurt or other fermented foods. Some bacteria in this category can prevent diarrhea and help people who have lactose intolerance.
Bifidobacterium. The bacteria in this group is commonly found in milk-based foods. The bacteria in this category can relieve signs of diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or disorders of the digestive system.

Best probiotics mayo clinic

What diseases can be prevented or overcome by probiotics?

Probiotics help you consume food digested by your digestive system. Until recently, researchers are still trying to keep observing the disease what is most appropriately treated with probiotics. Some diseases that can be helped by probiotics are:

irritable bowel syndrome
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is inflammation of the colon and intestine
infectious diarrhea (may be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites)
diarrhea caused by antibiotics
In addition to the effect on your digestive tract, probiotics can also affect other parts of your body, such as:

the skin disease Eczema
urine and vaginal health
preventing allergies and fever
oral health

Food and beverage source of probiotics

Some of the food here is known as the best source of probiotics, and it would be better if you consume daily to maintain good health.


One source of probiotics the most known and the most easily obtainable, are yogurt, especially homemade yogurt. Yogurt is a milk plus probiotics such as lactobacillus or acidophilus. If you bought at the supermarket, notice the extra ingredients in the yogurt products.


Kefir is a fermented goat milk mixed with kefir grain. In addition to containing lactobacilli and bifid us bacteria, kefir is also rich in antioxidants.


Sauerkraut is fermented from Kol (can also with other vegetables). Sauerkraut is not only rich in probiotics but could also to help reduce allergies. Sauerkraut is also rich in Vitamin E, A, B, and C.


Kimchi is the Asian version of Sauerkraut. Kimchi is fermented cabbage or other vegetables, and it tastes salty, sour, and spicy. Usually, Kimchi served with other foods typical of Korea. In addition to containing the bacteria are beneficial, Kimchi also contains beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C, B1, and B2.

Best probiotics mayo clinic

Important: not all people should consume probiotics products

Overall, the food and beverage source of probiotics is a safe product is consumed by everyone. However, people with immune system problems or have serious health problems cannot be consuming probiotic products. Consult to your expert, in advance if it is safe for you to eat probiotic products.

In some specific cases, some side effects while taking probiotic products are abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence and carbonated for a few days you start consuming probiotic products. Sometimes, it could also result in probiotic food allergies. If you have things that have mentioned this, stop consuming probiotic foods and see a doctor for further checking.

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