Saturday, September 8, 2018

Recipes To Lower Cholesterol And Lose Weight

Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight

Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight  -  Cholesterol is a fat found in the blood and organs are produced in the liver that is desperately needed by cells in the body. Has two types of cholesterol you should know whom LDL cholesterol (Low-Density Lipoprotein) that will form plaque in blood vessels and result in clogging. Next up is the type of cholesterol HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol is one of the best covers has a function as a vitamin that dissolves in the body. LDL cholesterol is often referred to as bad cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are known as good cholesterol.

According to the World Health Organization the WHO normal cholesterol number is 200 mg/dl > for total cholesterol, < 100 mg/dl for bad cholesterol, and > 50 mg/dl for good cholesterol.

Cholesterol in the body can be increased if affected by unhealthy life pattern. It also can be affected by factors of foods containing saturated fat which is where the source is very easy to be found among them on the source of animal protein, meat, cheese, and milk.

Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight

It also can be found in vegetable sources of protein include on coconut milk, coconut oil, and vegetable fat. With regard to food, here is a list of cholesterol-lowering foods. Then what are the types of food? The following explanation.

This Is A List Of Cholesterol-Lowering Foods


Wheat wheat or rice this is the most nutritious cereals and known as foods that can lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar and triglycerides blood. About 4%-10% cholesterol levels have been shown to be reduced simply by consuming rice grain per day regularly. If you don't like eating the grain directly, you can eat foods made from refined wheat bread-like.

Red Rice

The food is both types of brown rice, rice is indeed now it's almost difficult to find but the usefulness is very much owned and not inferior to other types of rice. As for the benefits of brown rice is in addition to the well used by people who want to lose weight can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. This is due to the womb of the red rice that is vitamin B, magnesium, selenium and phytonutrients.

Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight

Tuna Fish

Although tuna is a fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines but turned out to have excellent benefits in helping to lower cholesterol levels. This is proven by research conducted by The American Heart Associations which are highly recommending it to his patients to eat high cholesterol sufferer du portion tuna every week.


Spinach is one of the vegetables that can lower blood cholesterol levels. This is because it contains the most important substances namely lutein which is very useful for lowering cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, the spinach is also beneficial to protect the heart from damage and prevent a variety of fat sticking to blood vessels that can endanger the health of other body conditions.


Salmon is bad cholesterol-lowering foods next that you can consume. In order to lower the risk of cholesterol did not increase to avoid cooking the salmon in a way in. Salmon contains omega 3 which has benefits for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. The content of EPA and DHA in fish is also good for heart health.

Recipes to lower cholesterol and lose weight


Next is the type of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, beans, and cashews. Nuts are rich in fatty acids do not fine double genius to keep blood vessels healthy and certainly useful to lower the bad cholesterol. String beans you consume are rich in fiber can slow the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol in the diet. While the types of nuts, hazelnuts, nuts such as walnuts and cashews contain magnesium, vitamin E and other nutrients used to keep the heart in order to remain healthy.

The Olives

If the oil has properties that are good for health and beauty, the fruit also have the same benefits. This is because olive oil is made from extracts of olives. the content of antioxidants in olive oil is able to lower LDL cholesterol, but not reduce cholesterol HDL. This fruit also has a good effect for heart health because it does not contain monounsaturated fatty acids. How consume olives that are mixed in the salad and add the 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


Besides olives, avocado fruit also has the same benefits. This is because avocados are a source of monounsaturated fats which are potent to lower bad cholesterol. Compared to be consumed directly, the avocado is more often used as juice. Not only that, high fiber content in the fruit of the avocado is also useful for waging the digestion.

Well, that's some cholesterol-lowering foods list you should know. Hopefully, we are all given the health


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